==== Friday 26th September 2014 ====
[[http://piratepad.be/p/lgmag-vol2issue3 | Notes]]
==== Friday 4th of January 2013 ====
** Pending texts for next issue: **
* Eric Shcrijver's column, that should be delivered today (7th Jan)
* Pedro Amado's article on type terminology (just added to the repository now
* Davide della Casa's Dispatch on teaching with SketchPatch (emailing him now to know the status)
** Cover **
[[http://nodebox.net/code/data/media/graph-wordnet.jpg | First draft for the cover]], a graph with different terminology (current text is dummy text!)
Brainstorming about this proposal we came up with the idea of using encodings, unicode symbols and charsets as the source text for the graph.
** Editing progress: **
* Pierros' article is ready for layout;
* Susan Spencer's article needs editing; we also need to check with her if she agrees with the cc-by license;
* Sending Denis Jacquerye his talk transcript for approval;
* Chasing Dave Crossland to get his Dispatch.
* Editing Nikki Pugh's text for the Showcase;
* Newstweek: Ricardo's writing a text to go along with this work in the Showcase;
* [[http://www.deschaarbeeksetaal.be | De Schaarbeekse Taal]]: need to get a text from the OSP and some images + check if the cc-by license fits.
** Advertising: **
* Emailing BirdFont offering a pro-bono ad;
* Contacting LGRU + LGM about an ad in this issue;
* Getting back to Raphael Bastide about his pro-bono ad request. He submitted an ad for his design services and our policy is to offer pro-bono ads for F/LOSS projects. Regarding Rapahel's ad proposal we discussed an ad by/for Pablo Impallari's published in issue 1.4. It's also not a F/LOSS project ad but a personal ad. We shouldn't have published it. At the time, we were rushing everything to send the magazine to the printer. We were missing an ad so when we got it from Pablo (together with the OERT ad) we just placed them without any reviewing of the content. We need to have a strict policy about pro-bono ads.
* During this talk we came up with the idea of selling cheap ads for designers and studios working with F/LOSS -- first step for having a list/directory of designers working with F/LOSS.
** FOSDEM (2-3 Feb): **
* Ana & Ricardo will be there for the magazine stand;
* our talk proposal was rejected :(, we'll try again next year!
* scheming to launch issue 2.1 at FOSDEM. During this week (7-15 Jan) we'll be working at full speed on issue 2.1. It should be finished by the 15th Jan and ready to send to the printer. We should have the printed version ready to launch at FOSDEM 2013!
** Miscellaneous: **
* Starting the draft for next issue's call;
* Getting images from MozFest 2012 for the Notebook section;
* Chit chat about Minecraft and this cool book we found on [[http://aude-debout.fr/?p=230 | Minecraft's architectural structures]].
==== 1st November 2012 ====
Summary: Planning MozFest 2012 session [[http://mozillafestival.org/schedule/sessions/floss-workflows-for-grassroots-publications/|F/LOSS Workflows for Grassroots Publications]]; reporting on issue 2.1 content and layout status.
Conversation with #libregraphicsmag at Thu 01 Nov 2012 02:04:01 PM WET on aisc@irc.freenode.net (irc)
(02:04:49 PM) aisc: hi!
(02:05:48 PM) gingercoons: hey
(02:06:59 PM) luluganeta [[~manufactu@]] entered the room.
(02:07:08 PM) luluganeta: boing
(02:08:45 PM) gingercoons: excellent. so we're mostly all here, or here enough to talk about things
(02:09:10 PM) aisc: http://medialab-prado.es/article/ilgru_call_projects
(02:09:29 PM) aisc: Interactivos? call for projects is up
(02:10:07 PM) luluganeta: do notice that they got both our names wrong and yours right, it's usually the other way around :o)
(02:10:11 PM) admsyn [[~admsyn@CPE602ad077e9bf-CM602ad077e9bc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com]] entered the room.
(02:12:30 PM) aisc: I'm logging the chat, I'll put it up on the wiki at the end
(02:12:36 PM) luluganeta: admsyn: we're listening to TEED at the moment, thank you for showing the way to awesome
(02:13:00 PM) gingercoons: ooh. cool.
(02:13:17 PM) luluganeta: let's talk mozfest then?
(02:13:20 PM) aisc: yes
(02:13:24 PM) admsyn: haha
(02:13:26 PM) admsyn: no problem
(02:13:52 PM) gingercoons: sure. just a sec. I'm going onto my phone for this chat,
so if I'm slower than usual it's because of the tiny keyboard
(02:14:23 PM) gingercoonsphone [[~user@199-7-156-145.eng.wind.ca]] entered the room.
(02:14:46 PM) gingercoonsphone: okay! mozfest. and things we need for it
(02:15:00 PM) gingercoons left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
(02:15:12 PM) luluganeta: i think we ought to confirm if the double occupancy room works for 3
(02:15:31 PM) gingercoonsphone: good call
(02:15:42 PM) aisc: we need to write them and send information to update the session page: it would be nice to write to update information
(02:15:47 PM) gingercoonsphone: do we need computers for our workshop?
(02:15:57 PM) aisc: ah, sorry. here's the link http://mozillafestival.org/schedule/sessions/floss-workflows-for-grassroots-publications/
(02:16:07 PM) luluganeta: i'd risk betting that most people going to Mozilla festival will bring laptops
(02:16:16 PM) luluganeta: however, probably not running the software we need
(02:16:18 PM) luluganeta: so yes
(02:16:46 PM) luluganeta: it would be good to have them there with everything pre-installed;
3 hours mean there's no time for troubleshooting an install
(02:16:48 PM) gingercoonsphone: what additional information do we want on the page?
also, will we just be handing out usb sticks that have all the necessary software?
(02:17:08 PM) aisc: or using a virtual machine?
(02:17:13 PM) gingercoonsphone: yeah
(02:17:22 PM) luluganeta: still, it needs to be previously installed, takes quite a bit
(02:17:36 PM) luluganeta: if mozilla has pc's available, i'd go for that instead
(02:17:47 PM) luluganeta: people can install the VM, but that way we don't need to wait on them to get going
(02:17:57 PM) aisc: yes, still I would be nice to have something people can take with them
(02:18:08 PM) gingercoonsphone: k. so maybe we should ask them about computers
(02:18:12 PM) luluganeta: agree, we can give out the vm's
(02:18:19 PM) gingercoonsphone: and then also so where we are with vinz's iso
(02:18:59 PM) luluganeta: it runs okay, but it's not really finetuned yet, we need to put additional software and tweak the configs
(02:19:15 PM) luluganeta: worst comes to worst, we already have a working VM we used in a Madrid workshop
(02:19:30 PM) gingercoonsphone: makes sense
(02:20:09 PM) gingercoonsphone: so what do we do if moz can't provide us with computers?
(02:20:10 PM) luluganeta: i'll look into Glossy if i can find the time,
but there's a bit of stuff i need to clear before heading to London, so not sure if i can find the time
(02:20:14 PM) luluganeta: hm
(02:20:42 PM) aisc: maybe we can start a new repository with material
(02:20:47 PM) aisc: the texts they sent us
(02:20:56 PM) gingercoonsphone: yeah. so we need scribus and inkscape, right?
(02:20:57 PM) luluganeta: we can provide the VM image for people to install beforehand,
but there's always someone who will drop by and not have the system ready
(02:21:01 PM) luluganeta: gimp too
(02:21:15 PM) aisc: a selection of photos, illustration, vector with libre licenses
(02:21:41 PM) gingercoonsphone: k. a repo is sounding better and better for the content
(02:21:48 PM) aisc: if we divide people into groups maybe they can also share computers
(02:22:05 PM) luluganeta: agree
(02:22:24 PM) luluganeta: wrt both the repo and sharing computers
(02:22:38 PM) aisc: cool
(02:22:46 PM) luluganeta: that way we can emphasize non-computer work (planning, drafting, etc)
(02:22:51 PM) luluganeta: oh, we need printers too!
(02:23:14 PM) aisc: there's a section for 'notes and assets' in the session page; we can have the link to the VM, the repository...
(02:24:11 PM) aisc: how many computers do we ask for: 6?
(02:24:19 PM) aisc: more?
(02:24:23 PM) luluganeta: 6 sounds okay
(02:24:46 PM) gingercoonsphone: all sounds good so far
(02:24:55 PM) aisc: and one printer, right?
(02:24:58 PM) luluganeta: ok, so we have to ask them about computers, printers, hotel
(02:25:06 PM) luluganeta: ideally two, no?
(02:25:14 PM) aisc: yes, two is better
(02:25:26 PM) gingercoonsphone: two printers?
(02:25:55 PM) luluganeta: yes
(02:26:21 PM) aisc: it would be nice to print out the results
(02:27:19 PM) luluganeta: i'd say necessary
(02:27:37 PM) gingercoonsphone: k. so that's a good list so far.
(02:27:38 PM) gingercoonsphone: I think the hotel room question gets asked to someone diferent from the workshop questions
(02:28:36 PM) aisc: we also need to send an individual photo + short bio
(02:28:46 PM) luluganeta: rite
(02:30:04 PM) aisc: I can take care of creating the repository with texts + assets
(02:30:12 PM) luluganeta: so actions: ask about hotel, ask workshop coordinators about computers and printers, prepare photos and bios, create repos and upload VM
(02:30:55 PM) gingercoonsphone: k. I can take responsibility for talking to them about workshop and hotel room, as well as sending our bios
(02:31:07 PM) aisc: + post about the session in the magazine blog & tweet it
(02:31:30 PM) aisc: I can take care of writing the a post
(02:31:53 PM) gingercoonsphone: I'm always happy to tweet things
(02:32:17 PM) luluganeta: super
(02:32:33 PM) luluganeta: anything left to discuss on mozfest?
(02:32:46 PM) aisc: we can also write to Antonio and ask if he can/want to meet us in London
(02:33:21 PM) gingercoonsphone: ooh. yeah.
(02:33:44 PM) gingercoonsphone: I've also talked to dave about it. if he's in town, he may visit
(02:34:16 PM) aisc: k, I'll email Antonio Roberts
(02:34:43 PM) gingercoonsphone: excellent
(02:35:17 PM) aisc: right, magazine content & layout
(02:36:01 PM) gingercoonsphone: yeah. which do you want to talk about first?
(02:36:29 PM) aisc: it can be the layout
(02:36:43 PM) aisc: I pushed yesterday our first layout document
(02:36:53 PM) aisc: we had a few bumps with scribus
(02:37:33 PM) aisc: it is a template for vol2 layout but it's still growing
(02:38:08 PM) aisc: it has the grid, styles
(02:38:09 PM) gingercoonsphone: cool
(02:38:17 PM) aisc: and that's it for now
(02:38:33 PM) luluganeta: also, cover
(02:38:34 PM) aisc: today afternoon I'm going to continue working on it
(02:38:54 PM) luluganeta: we're planning to integrate a translation file from a popular software package or distro
(02:39:01 PM) gingercoonsphone: awesome
(02:39:03 PM) luluganeta: and use this experiment: http://blog.manufacturaindependente.org/2012/02/implied-spacing/
(02:39:20 PM) luluganeta: playing with color and layout, but it would be mostly text
(02:39:30 PM) aisc: here's a direct link to the image: http://blog.manufacturaindependente.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/salt-post.png
(02:39:59 PM) gingercoonsphone: ooh. that looks really nice
(02:42:16 PM) gingercoonsphone: so it sounds like you two are fairly on track with things.
(02:43:23 PM) luluganeta: well we do have to get our hands dirty
(02:43:49 PM) luluganeta: but we can now again have a cover generated by a script
(02:44:00 PM) luluganeta: just like #0 and 1.3
(02:44:08 PM) luluganeta: (and 1.4 in a way)
(02:44:08 PM) gingercoonsphone: which is always fun to have
(02:44:32 PM) luluganeta: so that's layout and cover
(02:44:37 PM) gingercoonsphone: true enough. lots of script/algorithm covers
(02:45:17 PM) gingercoonsphone: cool. so content-wise, things are progressing, although slower than I'd like
(02:45:50 PM) gingercoonsphone: the major thing missing right now is content for the showcase.
(02:46:14 PM) gingercoonsphone: almost everything else, I either have or know where I'll get it from.
(02:47:11 PM) gingercoonsphone: I'm currently going through the standard period of chasing people
to get the outstanding things that are promised but not delivered.
(02:47:13 PM) luluganeta: did we ask vinz to check that?
(02:47:20 PM) luluganeta: i mean, the showcase curation?
(02:47:27 PM) luluganeta: nikki pugh did send us her stuff and i really liked it
(02:47:42 PM) luluganeta: come to think of it, i think i didn't place it in the repo
(02:47:48 PM) gingercoonsphone: not sure if we did. I think we asked vinz to write a first time.
(02:47:56 PM) luluganeta: oh alrite
(02:47:59 PM) luluganeta: true
(02:48:01 PM) gingercoonsphone: nikki pugh was definitely great.
(02:48:15 PM) aisc: btw we asked a colleague to write a short article on type classification terminology;
we need to ping him on status of that
(02:48:20 PM) gingercoonsphone: we need at least one other artist, prefferably two
(02:48:26 PM) gingercoonsphone: cool.
(02:48:32 PM) gingercoonsphone: that sounds good
(02:48:33 PM) luluganeta: oh hey, how about the newstweek project?
(02:48:36 PM) luluganeta: one sec
(02:49:01 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
Conversation with #libregraphicsmag at Thu 01 Nov 2012 02:49:46 PM WET on aisc@irc.freenode.net (irc)
(02:49:49 PM) aisc1: and Shaarbeakoise Taal?
(02:50:58 PM) gingercoonsphone: newstweek would be cool, for sure
(02:51:18 PM) luluganeta: ok, i'll be on it then!
(02:51:20 PM) gingercoonsphone: I think pictures and schematics would be awesome, if they have any that are appropriately licensed,
because then we could make it into a really attractive showcase
(02:51:31 PM) gingercoonsphone: good call on schaerbeekoise
(02:51:36 PM) luluganeta: oh yes, the website is already profusely documented with pics
(02:51:40 PM) luluganeta: i'll ask danja for more
(02:54:49 PM) admsyn: luluganeta: do you know julian oliver?
(02:54:57 PM) admsyn: oh danja
(02:55:00 PM) gingercoonsphone: would be nice if we could get them to throw us something we could put around the staple and use as a pull out poster
(02:55:00 PM) gingercoonsphone: so if we can get both of those, then we have a nice showcase.
(02:55:00 PM) admsyn: never mind :0
(02:55:00 PM) gingercoonsphone: I'm finishing edits on the stuff I have, hopefully this Sunday
(02:55:22 PM) gingercoonsphone: the other half :)
(02:55:44 PM) luluganeta: yay!
(02:56:13 PM) luluganeta: admsyn: i was in danja's class at Piet Zwart, never had the pleasure of meeting Julian tho
(02:56:13 PM) aisc1: gingercoonsphone: will you add FINAL to the txt names?
(02:56:25 PM) gingercoonsphone: yep
(02:56:34 PM) luluganeta: i'd suggest moving them to a final directory
(02:56:37 PM) luluganeta: with git mv
(02:56:44 PM) gingercoonsphone: it'll be easy to tell when they're done
(02:56:48 PM) luluganeta: instead of renaming
(02:56:58 PM) aisc1: new releases parts that are the are ready to layout?
(02:57:55 PM) gingercoonsphone: I'm close to final on ant's column, the letter from the editor, the new releases and the small and useful
(02:58:31 PM) gingercoonsphone: they're not ready to be laid out until I do another edit
(02:58:44 PM) aisc1: np!
(02:58:49 PM) gingercoonsphone: unless they're already in the final directory
(02:59:34 PM) gingercoonsphone: should have a bunch of stuff ready to go before monday, though
(03:00:09 PM) gingercoonsphone: and then there's just some chasing to do. need to confirm some stuff with susan spencer, get something from both dave and eric
(03:00:23 PM) gingercoonsphone: and confirm things with denis
(03:00:49 PM) gingercoonsphone: but I'm going to try to make all of that happen before London
(03:01:34 PM) gingercoonsphone: planning to try to interview a bunch of people at Mozfest as well. hopefully one of those can be the interview this month
(03:02:02 PM) aisc1: :)
(03:02:09 PM) gingercoonsphone: and that's it for where things are with content. behind, but not by a lot
(03:02:18 PM) aisc1: another thing: columnists photos
(03:02:38 PM) luluganeta: mozfest interview is a great idea
(03:03:08 PM) gingercoonsphone: oh. yes. we need to get something from ant
(03:03:23 PM) ***luluganeta cracking up at "ant"
(03:03:29 PM) gingercoonsphone: if he comes up to london for mozfest, maybe we can take his picture then
(03:03:33 PM) aisc1: and are we updating our photos?
(03:03:40 PM) luluganeta: we should
(03:03:54 PM) gingercoonsphone: sure. we have the opportunity to do it
(03:04:19 PM) aisc1: me and ricardo thought about asking an illustrator we now to make our portraits
(03:04:27 PM) aisc1: but we would need a budget for that :/
(03:04:41 PM) gingercoonsphone: there's always that problem
(03:05:27 PM) aisc1: we'll ask him for a budget
(03:06:14 PM) luluganeta: i can foot it for the moment. Let me get the guy's link, he's insanely good
(03:06:24 PM) ***luluganeta is a big fan and likes hyperbole
(03:06:54 PM) aisc1: http://zecardoso.com/ctt/
(03:07:09 PM) luluganeta: http://athousandfacesstaringbackatyou.com/
(03:07:19 PM) aisc1: http://zecardoso.com/sorceries/hello-goodbye/
(03:08:57 PM) luluganeta: i'm happy to foot the bill for the moment
(03:09:17 PM) luluganeta: we can get a good price for 4 portraits (ginger, us, antonio, eric
(03:10:01 PM) aisc1: (adding to that the fact that he only charges 1€ per drawing to have your picture drawn at 'a thousand faces staring back at you')
(03:10:48 PM) gingercoonsphone: maybe something to talk about furgther in london?
(03:10:57 PM) aisc1: absolutely
(03:11:08 PM) luluganeta: yes!
(03:11:10 PM) aisc1: one more thing about mozfest
(03:11:11 PM) luluganeta: not urgent
(03:11:35 PM) aisc1: should we ask the organizers about selling the magazine there?
(03:11:37 PM) gingercoonsphone: his work is really nice, but I think it's worth talking about before you spend your own money
(03:11:47 PM) gingercoonsphone: good idea
(03:12:02 PM) aisc1: me and ricardo can take copies of all issues
(03:12:07 PM) gingercoonsphone: there's a science fair going on, I noticed
(03:12:45 PM) gingercoonsphone: cool. I guess that's something to ask michelle
(03:15:51 PM) luluganeta: right, any more discussion points?
(03:16:04 PM) gingercoonsphone: I can add that to my mozfest to do list
(03:16:53 PM) aisc1: nice
(03:17:04 PM) aisc1: not that I can remember :)
(03:17:30 PM) aisc1: next meeting is...
(03:17:54 PM) aisc1: December 6th?
(03:19:13 PM) gingercoons [[~ginger@user183-228.wireless.utoronto.ca]] entered the room.
(03:19:24 PM) gingercoons: there's nothing else I can think of
(03:19:41 PM) aisc1: FOSDEM call for main track talks is open until 1st Dec
(03:19:46 PM) aisc1: https://fosdem.org/2013/
(03:19:55 PM) aisc1: stands until 28th Nov
(03:19:59 PM) gingercoons: ah cool another thing to talk about in london
(03:20:08 PM) aisc1: yes ;)
(03:20:37 PM) gingercoons: sweet
(03:22:07 PM) gingercoons: okay. so we have a bunch of things to discuss and work on in london,
some stuff to do before we get there... anything else we need to talk about today>
(03:22:08 PM) gingercoons: ?
(03:22:58 PM) aisc1: no
(03:23:11 PM) aisc1: I think not
(03:23:17 PM) gingercoons: awesome
(03:24:03 PM) luluganeta: got it
(03:24:14 PM) aisc1: I'mm adding the log to the wiki
(03:26:06 PM) gingercoons: sounds good
==== 4th October 2012 ====
(02:54:53 PM) hitchcock.freenode.net: (notice) [[freenode-info]] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help?
Please check with freenode support: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp
(02:56:11 PM) aisc: hi!
(02:56:57 PM) luluganeta [[~manufactu@]] entered the room.
(02:57:05 PM) luluganeta: oy
(02:57:11 PM) ***luluganeta = ricardo lafuente
(03:00:06 PM) hellocatfood: Bonjour!
(03:00:08 PM) vinzv: hi
(03:02:34 PM) aisc: aisc = Ana Isabel:)
(03:02:44 PM) aisc: ginger is 15min late, we wait for her!
(03:03:04 PM) luluganeta: hei hellocatfood vinzv :) great to see you here
(03:04:10 PM) aisc: btw vinzv, how is the packaging of PropCourier?
(03:04:58 PM) vinzv: aisc bit complicated, as I tried to stick with fedora's font packaging guidelines.
(03:05:30 PM) luluganeta: if help is required, i seem to remember Nicolas Spalinger was doing font packaging in Fedora
(03:05:31 PM) vinzv: shouldnt have done that as it's kinda painful :)
(03:05:44 PM) luluganeta: had the same experience re: Debian :)
(03:06:05 PM) aisc: :)
(03:06:33 PM) vinzv: luluganeta: :D
(03:14:26 PM) luluganeta: question while we wait for ginger: any of you guys ever worked with custom fedora spins or debian blends?
for creating a custom distro?
(03:15:05 PM) vinzv: luluganeta: yep, i worked with fedora "kickstart" files
(03:15:21 PM) luluganeta: a possible idea that has been jumping between us was an actual libre graphics distro,
since most "creative" distros are geared towards multimedia or a/v production, not print work
(03:15:43 PM) luluganeta: aisc and i did the experiment with a virtual machine in a type workshop recently, and it worked wonderfully
(03:16:13 PM) vinzv: luluganeta: there's a custom "design team" spin of fedora which could serve as base data
(03:16:17 PM) gingercoons [[~ginger@]] entered the room.
(03:16:21 PM) admsyn [[~admsyn@CPE602ad077e9bf-CM602ad077e9bc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com]] entered the room.
(03:16:32 PM) hellocatfood: Welcome gingercoons :-)
(03:16:43 PM) luluganeta: vinzv: that's excellent, i was really keen on doing it in debian but their custom builds lists are all dead
(03:16:47 PM) gingercoons: hey! Sorry I'm late, folks
(03:16:48 PM) luluganeta: oy oy gingercoons admsyn
(03:16:53 PM) admsyn: :D
(03:16:58 PM) aisc: luluganeta: where's GittyKitty?
(03:17:22 PM) vinzv: luluganeta: here's the kickstart file:
(03:17:52 PM) gingercoons: vinzv: are you talking about packaging?
(03:17:54 PM) luluganeta: she's coming
(03:17:56 PM) luluganeta: oooh sweeet
(03:17:59 PM) luluganeta: ah, gittykitty
(03:18:07 PM) luluganeta: gingercoons: custom libre graphics distro plans :)
(03:18:11 PM) vinzv: gingercoons: no we already moved on :)
(03:18:12 PM) gingercoons: awesome!
(03:18:18 PM) luluganeta: super, will look into this in a moment
(03:18:21 PM) gingercoons: ah. damn. the things I miss.
(03:18:50 PM) admsyn left the room (quit: Client Quit).
(03:19:08 PM) admsyn [[~admsyn@CPE602ad077e9bf-CM602ad077e9bc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com]] entered the room.
(03:19:19 PM) SwiftyKitty [[~SwiftyKit@]] entered the room.
(03:19:26 PM) aisc: hey SwiftyKitty!
(03:19:40 PM) gingercoons: awesome. Is SwiftyKitty taking minutes?
(03:19:45 PM) luluganeta: SwiftyKitty is our bot, atm it's running on my computer
(03:19:47 PM) hellocatfood: I'm noticing a cat theme here :-P
(03:19:58 PM) luluganeta: will move it to our home server once we're done
(03:20:07 PM) luluganeta: sadly not taking minutes yet, need to install the proper module
(03:20:13 PM) gingercoons: ah. k.
(03:20:20 PM) luluganeta: in the meantime, one of us could log the chat
(03:20:38 PM) aisc: yes
(03:20:39 PM) luluganeta: i'm not logging, but i can set that up if necessary
(03:20:50 PM) aisc: I think I have it, just a second
(03:22:07 PM) aisc: Yes, I'm logging
(03:22:12 PM) luluganeta: super
(03:22:25 PM) luluganeta: I can place it in the wiki after we're done
(03:22:38 PM) gingercoons: excellent. documentation!
(03:22:53 PM) hellocatfood: w00t
(03:22:59 PM) admsyn left the room (quit: Client Quit).
(03:23:18 PM) admsyn [[~admsyn@CPE602ad077e9bf-CM602ad077e9bc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com]] entered the room.
(03:23:45 PM) luluganeta: right, so i'm not sure if there's a fixed list of things to discuss now?
(03:24:00 PM) gingercoons: mmm. progress on the issue so far? outstanding issues...
(03:24:13 PM) gingercoons: (in the other sense of the word "issue")
(03:24:48 PM) eimai [[~eimai@]] entered the room.
(03:25:30 PM) aisc: yes, sounds good
(03:25:31 PM) gingercoons: If anyone wants, I can provide a little report on where we're at so far with content for issue 2.1
(03:25:38 PM) luluganeta: yesplz :)
(03:25:39 PM) hellocatfood: yes pelase!
(03:26:26 PM) gingercoons: Short answer: already behind. I was supposed to get content collected for the front section by the end of last week
(03:26:59 PM) hellocatfood: oh dear :-/
(03:27:02 PM) gingercoons: So far, I have two new releases in the pipe, a couple things for small & useful
no best of and no idea what the notebook will be about
(03:27:20 PM) gingercoons: on the other hand, we're ahead with a couple sections.
(03:27:44 PM) gingercoons: I have a dispatch figured out and am in the process of transcribing one of the features
(03:27:53 PM) gingercoons: we also had a really nice submission from Susan Spencer.
(03:28:09 PM) gingercoons: So we're potentially ahead on things that aren't even supposed to be in progress yet
(03:29:21 PM) luluganeta: That's great, we can balance the schedule that way
(03:29:40 PM) gingercoons: I've just dropped the content we have so far for the front matter into the repository
(03:29:56 PM) gingercoons: Actually, can we talk a little about the submission from Susan, as well?
(03:29:57 PM) aisc: nice
(03:30:12 PM) luluganeta: Sure
(03:30:15 PM) aisc: yes
(03:30:21 PM) luluganeta: let me look at it more closely
(03:31:05 PM) gingercoons: For those who don't know: Susan Spencer is behind a really nice project
which makes custom clothing patterns based on inputted measurements
(03:31:31 PM) aisc: https://github.com/sconklin
(03:31:34 PM) hellocatfood: Sounds awesome!
(03:31:38 PM) luluganeta: We did talk about featuring her work on issue 2.2, which is themed around Gender
(03:31:42 PM) aisc: here's the projects repository
(03:31:48 PM) gingercoons: Someone recently interviewed her as a piece of work for their course at school.
That interview isn't destined to be published anywhere else yet
(03:32:06 PM) gingercoons: luluganeta: true
(03:32:14 PM) gingercoons: I was thinking a little bit about her work last night
(03:32:29 PM) gingercoons: It's a potentially interesting case for localization, because it's an extreme
(03:32:41 PM) gingercoons: It's localization down to the individual
(03:33:49 PM) luluganeta: Hm, that's a beautiful twist on it, i like that
(03:34:00 PM) aisc: absolutely
(03:34:12 PM) gingercoons: (I am, of course, naturally biased, because that's basically what my own work is about)
(03:35:02 PM) luluganeta: I'm very much okay with featuring the interview on 2.1
(03:35:24 PM) aisc: yes, I agree
(03:35:27 PM) luluganeta: hellocatfood, vinzv, admsyn, feel more than free to chime in :)
(03:35:35 PM) gingercoons: Cool. So we can write back to her and ask to get connected with the woman who interviewed her about licensing and stuff
(03:35:38 PM) hellocatfood: I'll try ;-)
(03:36:01 PM) gingercoons: Actually, we could ask to hear from hellocatfood about his thoughts so far on his first column :)
(03:36:16 PM) hellocatfood: Sure thing
(03:36:49 PM) hellocatfood: It's a scary experience so far! I've never written anything that's been published
(03:37:17 PM) hellocatfood: And, up until I last week, I had no idea what to write about! I think it was a case of over thinking
(03:37:25 PM) gingercoons: It gets easier :)
(03:37:31 PM) hellocatfood: However, my column is shaping up nicely and will be with you by tomorrow
(03:37:39 PM) gingercoons: Yay!
(03:37:42 PM) hellocatfood: I'm writing about the international language of glitch art
(03:37:44 PM) luluganeta: Wow, that's super
(03:37:48 PM) luluganeta: !!
(03:37:50 PM) gingercoons: Nice!
(03:37:51 PM) luluganeta: yeah
(03:37:56 PM) hellocatfood: (although it really applies to most digital art forms)
(03:37:59 PM) aisc: !:)
(03:38:46 PM) hellocatfood: I'm highlighting that glitch art has its own language that people from all nations can understand
(03:38:51 PM) hellocatfood: or something like that ;-)
(03:39:01 PM) gingercoons: Sweet! That sounds excellent
(03:39:03 PM) hellocatfood: When I send it any help and input would be welcome!
(03:39:08 PM) luluganeta: While we're talking columns, we're waiting on Eric Schrijver's reply on whether to go on writing on the next 4 issues
(03:39:23 PM) gingercoons: Yar. Still?
(03:39:39 PM) gingercoons: We need a contingency plan in case he decides not to.
(03:39:40 PM) luluganeta: I only sent it yesterday evening, sorry ;/
(03:39:55 PM) gingercoons: Ah, don't worry. I've been waiting for a reply from him for three weeks.
(03:40:26 PM) gingercoons: We may need to find a new columnist.
(03:40:36 PM) admsyn: hellocatfood: what sort of glitch art are you covering?
(03:40:54 PM) luluganeta: I'm thinking about that, names that pop to mind: Mairin Duffy, Alexandre Prokoudine,
Nathan Willis, I think I have a list somewhere that we made while together
(03:40:56 PM) admsyn: hellocatfood: or rather, what aspects of the "language"?
(03:41:30 PM) gingercoons: luluganeta: Might be nice to go after Nathan Willis first.
(03:41:34 PM) hellocatfood: admsyn: How it's a visual language i.e. you don't need to know english to understand glitch art
(03:41:55 PM) admsyn: hellocatfood: gotcha
(03:41:58 PM) gingercoons: They're all busy, but I think he's the most sympathetic and also the most practiced
in actually doing writing on a production basis
(03:42:16 PM) hellocatfood: luluganeta gingercoons: I've never heard of Nathan Willis but Mairin Duffy could be good
(03:43:01 PM) luluganeta: Nathan Willis writes for lwn.net
(03:43:05 PM) gingercoons: Yeah. I think luluganeta and aisc know Mairin better than I do. Never actually met her in person.
Do either of you two want to make an approach?
(03:43:10 PM) luluganeta: and is a regular at LGM
(03:43:17 PM) gingercoons: He also write for Linux Forum sometimes, I think
(03:43:31 PM) luluganeta: I'm happy to make the approach, but maybe we should wait on Eric?
(03:44:00 PM) luluganeta: Alexandre is a busy person but someone worth trying anyway, IMO
(03:44:10 PM) gingercoons: His deadline is tomorrow.
(03:44:18 PM) aisc: luluganeta: yes, let's give him a few days. Until next Tuesday, maybe?
(03:44:31 PM) gingercoons: And he's known that since August. But yes, we can give him a few days to get back to you.
(03:44:46 PM) luluganeta: Hm, alright
(03:44:51 PM) gingercoons: I'm just worried that we're going to end up without a second column
(03:45:43 PM) aisc: would it be a problem if we end up with three columns?
(03:46:02 PM) gingercoons: Less than if we end up with one, I think.
(03:47:29 PM) luluganeta: Okay, so saturday I'm firing out emails to prospective writers
(03:47:53 PM) gingercoons: Cool. I can do some of that too, if you want
(03:48:08 PM) luluganeta: I'm good, you got stuff in your plate already
(03:48:16 PM) gingercoons: Or I can focus on starting the editorial discussion with hellocatfood ;)
(03:48:39 PM) aisc: We should also look into the showcase 'curators'
(03:49:29 PM) gingercoons: Good call. This is going to be an interesting issue for that, I think
(03:50:39 PM) aisc: The only names I have, as possible showcase editors, are Stdin
(03:50:47 PM) hellocatfood: Is there much work for the showcase?
(03:51:25 PM) aisc: we didn't have other submissions besides Susan Spencer's interview
(03:51:38 PM) gingercoons: Yeah. It's been sparse this time around
(03:52:12 PM) aisc: so we'll have to look for work that is related to the issue's theme
(03:53:07 PM) luluganeta: and it would be great to have some help in scouring our networks for interesting work :)
(03:54:13 PM) hellocatfood: Nikki Pugh has made some really visually interesting work using GPS receivers
http://www.flickr.com/photos/nikki_pugh/sets/72157624089108300/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/nikki_pugh/sets/72157623943229681/
(03:54:34 PM) gingercoons: Cool
(03:54:41 PM) luluganeta: vinzv: how available are you for lending a hand? :)
(03:55:28 PM) luluganeta: vinzv: we have some sections (new releases, small but useful) that could use a dedicated person to handle
(03:55:48 PM) luluganeta: and also, we don't yet have any ideas or content for this issue's "First Time" section
(03:55:55 PM) hellocatfood: I just can't remember if she used open source software or not.
I think it could be interesting as she's looking at how gps receivers interpret your location.
In short, they often get it wrong and can place you nearly 100 metres from where you actually are :-/
(03:56:11 PM) vinzv: luluganeta: I'm quite flexible, are there any tickets or notes to read?
(03:56:24 PM) gingercoons: We've got a running order file
(03:56:29 PM) hellocatfood: Should I contact her for you? If not her contacts are on here http://npugh.co.uk/contact/
(03:56:31 PM) gingercoons: Which shows where different items are at
(03:56:49 PM) gingercoons: (just finding a direct link to that)
(03:57:01 PM) gingercoons: http://gitorious.org/libregraphicsmag/vol2issue1/blobs/master/runningorder.txt
(03:57:28 PM) luluganeta: hellocatfood: the F/LOSS part is pretty important to decide if we can feature it or not
(03:57:44 PM) luluganeta: hellocatfood: it looks super interesting
(03:58:17 PM) luluganeta: and pretty!
(03:58:47 PM) hellocatfood: Yeah... She has recently replaced her proprietary GPS receivers
with ones she made with an Arduino but I don't know if there's been any new drawings from them
(03:59:15 PM) vinzv: gingercoons: so what exactly needs to be done?
(03:59:45 PM) luluganeta: hellocatfood: well, that would work!
(04:00:19 PM) luluganeta: as long as she's ok with re-licensing the pics with CC-BY-SA, but that's details
(04:00:34 PM) hellocatfood: luluganeta: I can ask her about this and encourage her to submit work if you want?
(04:01:04 PM) luluganeta: hellocatfood: i'd say go for it :)
(04:01:17 PM) hellocatfood: luluganeta: sweet, I'll do that now
(04:01:36 PM) gingercoons: vinz: different needs for different things. For the new releases,
we basically just need a collection of F/LOSS graphics-related things that have come out recently
(04:01:53 PM) luluganeta: or, new versions of existing tools
(04:02:08 PM) gingercoons: So, for example, we've got the new versions of Linux Libertine and Krita on our list so far
(04:02:45 PM) luluganeta: Openshot's also seeing some action
(04:02:47 PM) gingercoons: For Small & Useful, we like to pick two or three tools
that follow the principle of being light weight and being really good for one thing
(04:02:53 PM) gingercoons: Ooh. Openshot. Nice.
(04:03:29 PM) vinzv: okay, sounds good to me. were there things like that in earlier issues?
so i could have a look how you wrote/designed them..?
(04:03:45 PM) aisc: For Small & Useful it can also be a website with libre resources related to graphics
(04:03:49 PM) gingercoons: To be honest, most of the Small & Useful stuff tends to come from one of us having a problem
and then finding a nice little tool that fixes it. So, in that vein, I've got pdf2svg down for this issue
(04:04:03 PM) gingercoons: vinzv: yep. They're all recurring features.
(04:04:16 PM) aisc: vinzv: Small & Useful only started in the last issue
(04:04:22 PM) gingercoons: We've only done Small & Useful once before, I think in issue 1.4, but there's a basic idea there
(04:04:23 PM) ***vinzv digs through the pdf
(04:04:45 PM) gingercoons: New releases is pretty simple. It's just a list with about one sentence.
(04:05:03 PM) admsyn: on the topic of Small & Useful, do any of you follow @climagic?
Frequently points out tools / tool combinations that fit the bill
(04:05:08 PM) admsyn: https://twitter.com/climagic
(04:05:32 PM) gingercoons: But these are all things we can do collaboratively, too.
One person can dig up a tool and then the other can come up with a sentence, or any other way we want to work together on putting it together
(04:05:45 PM) gingercoons: admsyn: Ooh. Nice lead.
(04:06:57 PM) gingercoons: While we're on the front matter stuff... Looking at the production calendar right now
I'm wondering if it would be possible to use MozFest as our notebook for this issue.
(04:07:30 PM) gingercoons: It's a little late in the schedule, but if we know about it and how much space it will take up,
maybe we could use it
(04:07:43 PM) hellocatfood: Hey all, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to get going. My brain is fried so I'm off for a run :-)
(04:07:54 PM) admsyn: goodbyecatfood
(04:08:00 PM) gingercoons: hellocatfood: thanks for joining us!
(04:08:09 PM) hellocatfood: gingercoons: no probs!
(04:08:17 PM) hellocatfood: Au revoir!
(04:08:18 PM) hellocatfood left the room.
(04:09:27 PM) aisc: Which are the dates for MozFest?
(04:09:58 PM) gingercoons: November 9-11, I think
(04:10:28 PM) gingercoons: Which is when we want to be finishing up the layout and doing revision on it
(04:10:33 PM) aisc: yes, we can save space for that
(04:10:46 PM) gingercoons: But the Notebook tends not to be text-heavy, so it's a little nicer
(04:10:56 PM) gingercoons: awesome. And then we can get our own photos if we want
(04:11:15 PM) aisc: agreed :)
(04:11:39 PM) gingercoons: Super!
(04:11:48 PM) gingercoons: I'll add it to the running order
(04:11:49 PM) luluganeta: yeah!
(04:13:00 PM) gingercoons: Actually, vinzv made a good point earlier about ticketing
(04:13:20 PM) gingercoons: Maybe we could consider thinking about some way to assign tasks in a more efficient/transparent way
(04:13:37 PM) vinzv: gingercoons: i'll refine that and point out to "redmine"
(04:13:46 PM) gingercoons: ah, good old redmine
(04:14:01 PM) luluganeta: i've fiddled with redmine, and i find it a strange beast
(04:14:09 PM) gingercoons: have you worked with it for any length of time? I did for about a week and then gave up
(04:14:22 PM) luluganeta: same here
(04:14:36 PM) vinzv: once it's up and running, it's really flawless
(04:15:09 PM) gingercoons: k. could be an interesting thing to try
(04:15:12 PM) vinzv: we're using it for political party work round here
(04:15:24 PM) luluganeta: hmm, i could give it a shot too
(04:15:28 PM) gingercoons: and then we could assign responsibility for things outside of just marking it in the running order
(04:15:52 PM) vinzv: gingercoons: and stating deadlines :)
(04:15:59 PM) gingercoons: for sure!
(04:16:19 PM) gingercoons: I'm afraid we've been very informal so far. even the calendar is a new thing for us
(04:16:34 PM) gingercoons: it's been easy with three people, but it also makes it harder for others to join :)
(04:17:00 PM) vinzv: nevermind, i went throught that process over the last months too.
(04:17:52 PM) vinzv: so i'm kinda experienced with the pains of streamlining :)
(04:18:53 PM) gingercoons: good to hear
(04:19:25 PM) gingercoons: luluganeta: do you want to try doing a redmine install some time?
maybe something to do for the next issue? we can always be incremental with adding things
(04:19:51 PM) luluganeta: I can try that over the weekend.
(04:20:01 PM) gingercoons: cool. sounds like you're going to have a busy weekend
(04:20:30 PM) luluganeta: heh, i'm okay with this kind of busy-ness
(04:20:43 PM) vinzv: luluganeta: if you need help, just give me ping
(04:20:45 PM) gingercoons: fair enough!
(04:20:54 PM) luluganeta: vinzv: will do, thank you :)
(04:21:07 PM) gingercoons: so, just looking back at things, we've talked about the running order and what we need for issue 2.1
(04:21:38 PM) gingercoons: are there other things, outside of this issue, that we should spend time talking about today>
(04:21:39 PM) gingercoons: ?
(04:22:00 PM) aisc: advertising
(04:22:03 PM) aisc: "
(04:22:32 PM) gingercoons: good point.
(04:22:44 PM) aisc: we should make a sprint for chasing possible advertisers
(04:22:53 PM) gingercoons: I need to get on that. I think we have one really strong lead, which I need to talk to Femke about
(04:22:59 PM) gingercoons: a sprint sounds like a good idea
(04:23:45 PM) gingercoons: I've just put a note on my task board to email Femke about an LGRU ad.
(04:23:55 PM) gingercoons: Even two ads in the issue would basically pay our printing costs
(04:24:24 PM) aisc: Nice. I can try and contact some people of the list we did in Brussels
(04:24:41 PM) gingercoons: So I'll cover that and also go after the two publishers we talked about
(04:24:50 PM) gingercoons: aisc: that would be nice
(04:24:53 PM) aisc: gingercoons: where do you think we should start?
(04:25:07 PM) gingercoons: mm. good question
(04:25:33 PM) gingercoons: I'd like to actually pick up a couple comparable magazines and see where they've gone with ads
(04:25:50 PM) gingercoons: I do think it would be appropriate to reach out to both the GNOME Foundation and the Linux Foundation, though
(04:26:07 PM) gingercoons: They're one of our easiest places of differentiation from other publications
(04:26:53 PM) luluganeta: suggestion, ask FSF if they want a probono ad?
(04:27:55 PM) gingercoons: why not? sounds like a good idea. I know it's a slightly contentious idea,
but we could see if they'd like a reduced price ad, or offer an ad on a pay-what-you-can basis
(04:28:08 PM) gingercoons: because they do have more money than the majority of the other projects we deal with
(04:28:21 PM) luluganeta: fair point
(04:28:42 PM) gingercoons: we do need to be even-handed on this stuff, no matter where our particular loyalties lie
(04:29:27 PM) gingercoons: want me to drop an email to Josh Gay?
(04:30:27 PM) luluganeta: yes!
(04:30:46 PM) gingercoons: k. actually, it may not be him I need to talk to. I'll do some digging
(04:31:45 PM) luluganeta: super. What else in the agenda?
(04:32:12 PM) gingercoons: nothing much else, I think. What did you talk about in terms of packaging before I joined?
(04:33:07 PM) luluganeta: font packaging, vinzv was taking care of propcourier
(04:33:21 PM) gingercoons: ah. awesome. very excited about that!
(04:33:57 PM) vinzv: my fedora package is kinda working, but not very clean as it installs propcourier twice o_O
(04:34:05 PM) gingercoons: it's a start!
(04:34:29 PM) luluganeta: it's even better than a regular package!
(04:34:44 PM) gingercoons: yeah! double the effectiveness ;)
(04:34:46 PM) luluganeta: it should be installed 10 times so that no one misses it
(04:35:23 PM) vinzv: oh yeah, that way it'll get into fedora's official repos for sure. :)
(04:35:47 PM) gingercoons: cool. so that's on the go. very exciting. anything else anyone wants to cover?
(04:36:46 PM) aisc: nope, I think that's allfor now
(04:36:57 PM) luluganeta: i think we covered everything wrt beginning production
(04:37:06 PM) luluganeta: aisc and me will flesh out the new layout
(04:37:11 PM) aisc: let me just check next's meeting date
(04:37:13 PM) luluganeta: from what was started in September
(04:37:51 PM) aisc: Ok, next meeting is on the 2nd of November
(04:38:01 PM) gingercoons: okay! cool.
(04:38:14 PM) aisc: should we keep the same hour?
(04:38:30 PM) gingercoons: seems reasonable. does it work for all of you?
(04:38:35 PM) vinzv: ok for me
(04:39:21 PM) luluganeta: that's a friday, i have classes all day
(04:39:22 PM) gingercoons: excellent.
(04:39:31 PM) gingercoons: ah. not excellenyt
(04:39:31 PM) luluganeta: can we make it the 1st?
(04:39:34 PM) gingercoons: *excellent
(04:39:42 PM) gingercoons: should we switch to Thursdays for all the meetings?
(04:39:49 PM) luluganeta: sorry, but friday is my no-no day
(04:39:54 PM) aisc: yes, I think that would be the best solution
(04:40:21 PM) gingercoons: k. Thursdays good for everyone, then?
(04:40:27 PM) vinzv: yep
(04:40:29 PM) aisc: yes
(04:40:38 PM) gingercoons: Super!
(04:40:41 PM) ***admsyn thumbs up
(04:40:42 PM) aisc: I'll add the IRC log to the wiki
(04:41:09 PM) gingercoons: Great!
(04:41:16 PM) luluganeta: yay!
(04:41:31 PM) vinzv: i just commited some changes for small and useful to gitorious - did it work?
(04:43:13 PM) gingercoons: vinzv: hasn't registered yet, as far as I can tell. are you in the vol2issue1 repo?
(04:43:19 PM) luluganeta: oh yes
(04:43:34 PM) luluganeta: dang it, i totally forgot about writing the new repo structure
(04:43:48 PM) vinzv: gingercoons: yes
(04:44:07 PM) luluganeta: vinzv: we shifted from the big libregraphicsmag repo to many smaller ones
(04:44:46 PM) luluganeta: so that if one wants to contribute to the current issue, there's no need to download all previous ones
(04:44:58 PM) vinzv: luluganeta: saw that and commited to https://gitorious.org/libregraphicsmag/vol2issue1
(04:45:02 PM) luluganeta: oh, super
(04:45:22 PM) luluganeta: one sec
(04:45:30 PM) gingercoons: hm. I'm not seeing any changes there yet
(04:45:32 PM) vinzv: strangly my commit doesnt appear at my dashboard at all...
(04:46:11 PM) luluganeta: i just pulled changes and it's not there
(04:46:30 PM) vinzv: so might be a local problem...
(04:46:34 PM) luluganeta: i'm not sure you have commit access
(04:46:36 PM) luluganeta: let me check
(04:47:11 PM) luluganeta: what's your username? i'll add you to the lgmag-dev team
(04:47:16 PM) luluganeta: in gitorious i mean
(04:48:23 PM) vinzv: vinzv
(04:48:48 PM) vinzv: oh wait
(04:49:01 PM) vinzv: according to profile url: "vinz"
(04:49:39 PM) luluganeta: oh
(04:49:40 PM) luluganeta: ok
(04:50:39 PM) luluganeta: done
(04:50:42 PM) luluganeta: try pushing now
(04:53:12 PM) aisc: oh, regarding the repository, I got a troubleshot report from Ohloh.
(04:53:12 PM) aisc: Three of our repositories need 'sanity checks' if we want them to be correctly indexed.
(04:54:28 PM) luluganeta: i'll be on it
(04:56:20 PM) gingercoons: sanity checks?
(04:56:56 PM) luluganeta: apparently they're insane :)
(04:57:08 PM) gingercoons: go figure
(04:57:11 PM) luluganeta: don't know, probably some issue with the repo split, though it looked all good to me
(04:57:14 PM) luluganeta: i'll check this
(04:57:55 PM) vinzv: can't push: "The git:// protocol is read-only."
(04:58:11 PM) gingercoons: (back in a sec. switching my internet connection)
(05:00:43 PM) luluganeta: vinzv: edit the .git/config file and change the origin address from
git://... to ssh://git@gitorious.org:libregraphicsmag/vol2issue1.git
(05:02:14 PM) vinzv: luluganeta: okay, that kinda worked. should update my ssh key ;)
(05:02:45 PM) gingercoons left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds).
(05:04:35 PM) aisc: vinzv: I sometimes have problems with my ssh key
(05:04:40 PM) aisc: in gitorious
(05:05:10 PM) aisc: what i do is delete it in my profile and add it again; it's a bit messy but it works
(05:06:15 PM) vinzv: aisc: didn't help :(
(05:07:35 PM) luluganeta: gah
(05:07:49 PM) luluganeta: i had the same, deleting and reinserting my pubkey did the trick